Cath White is a web designer who uses her cutting-edge knowledge to create customised online platforms for clients in fields as diverse as business marketing, online shopping, healthcare and entertainment.
She also shares her knowledge in the business world as an educator specialising in advanced HTML and CSS design. Cath teaches experienced and novice web creators contemporary and best design practices.
Her passion for all things computer-related stretches back to the early days of ICT.
I'm Cath White, and I first became acquainted with computers when working for a British mainframe company. And, yes, they were huge!
I moved on to work with dedicated word processing systems, and then PCs.
My earliest exposure to anything remotely like the internet as we know it was in about 1985; the company I was working for had a large legal client base, and we set up a system which used a dial-up modem to allow Australian legal practitioners to access the US LEXIS and NEXIS databases. It was truly primitive, but it did the job.
I created my first website in 1996 – the screenshot is courtesy of the WayBack Machine. You can click on it to see a larger version.
Since then, I've taught many people to use HTML and CSS, which I still do and love.
The internet is important; despite the prevalence of cat photos, we have access to more information than any generation that’s preceded us. And I think it’s vitally important that it be treated with respect, and that those of us who create websites should create the best sites possible.